Peels address multiple skin concerns and provide highly accelerated results with no downtime or impact on daily activities.

Resurfacing peels featuring highly concentrated glycolic acid


Glycolic Resurfacing Peel: Next level of resurfacing to add to your care routine. Provides significant improvement in skin appearance with Zero downtime. Offers benefits for aged and photodamaged skin, acne, hyperpigmentation and scar reduction.

Glycolic & Enzyme Resurfacing Peel: Great option for those with reactive skin. Provides gentile dual resurfacing in a milder protocol than a clinical peel. Benefits of other resurfacing agents are dramatically accelerated and desired results are more rapidly obtained with regard to skin rejuvenation, acne, hyperpigmentation and scar reduction.

Glycolic & Luminate Resurfacing Peel: Advanced combination of brightening ingredients, antioxidants, and multiple resurfacing agents. This peel visibly improves the appearance of skin tone, texture and luminosity starting with the first use and continuing over time. Offers benefits for aged and photodamaged skin, acne, hyperpigmentation and scar reduction.

Glycolic & Retinol Plus Resurfacing Peel: The highest concentration of retinol combined with multiple anti-aging technologies plus glycolic acid for a more accelerated outcome. This peel addresses the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, hyperpigmentation and acne. The advanced treatment mask enhances penetration of multiple advanced anti-aging technologies for long-term benefits while resurfacing agents immediately smooth and refine the skin.

Clinical peels offer the most dynamic approach to delivering maximum results in fewer services with an innovative dual-peeling process, combining high concentrations of acids plus retinol with peptides and antioxidants for a powerful, fast acting solution.

Clarify: Treats acne, improves texture, rejuvenates skin. Downtime: 2-5 days

Refine: Skin rejuvenation, texture, hyperpigmentation, acne, fine lines. Downtime 2-5 days.

Transform: (Must first be acclimated with J.M. home care and Clarify Peel to be approved for use) – Hyperpigmentation, texture, skin rejuvenation, fine lines. Downtime 4-7 days